Temporary Closure of Coombe Water Lane 13 February

Dorset County Council has issued notice of the temporary closure of Coombe Water Lane in Broadwindsor on February 13, between 9.30 am and 3.30 pm. All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the Lane from its junction with the B3165 to the junction with Whetham Mill Lane. The Order will remain in force for five days, however it is anticipated that the works will be completed by 14 February. The alternative route which will be sign posted is as follows, B3165 – School Lane – Wood Lane – Rookery Lane – Pound Lane – Park Water Lane. If you would like further information about the work being undertaken please call BT on 03700 500 792. For information concerning the Notice please call Dorset Highways’ Traffic Team on 01305 221020.


Get Involved: Dorset Clinical Services Review

The future of health care in Dorset is currently being reviewed and now is the time to find out about what is being proposed and have your say. The Clinical Services Review was launched in response to major challenges which health and care face both in Dorset and across the rest of the country. These include a growing population with more people living longer, an increasing demand on services, workforce shortages that will be difficult to fill, variations in the quality of care and a potential funding gap of at least £158m per year by 2020.

Copies of the consultation document – Improving Dorset’s Healthcare have been circulated around the Grouped Parish area and are available to pick up from Comrades Hall, The White Lion, the Community Store, the Royal Oak and from Drimpton and Blackdown Village Halls. If you are unable to pick up one, please do contact the Parish Council. You can also find the document online at,

This is a really important issue, especially for those living in rural areas, so please do read the document if you can and get involved.

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