Local Proclamation Sunday 11 September, 3.30 pm Bernards’ Place

The National Accession Proclamation for King Charles III has taken place today at St. James’s Palace. Following this, a local proclamation ceremony conducted by the High Sheriff of Dorset, Sibyl King in the presence of the Lord-Lieutenant, Angus Campbell, will take place at 1.00 pm on Sunday 11 September on the front steps outside County Hall, Dorchester. Members of the public are welcome to attend. You can arrive from 12:45pm to gather in front of the steps. Councillor Jacqui Sewell will be attending to represent the Grouped Parish. An official Proclamation for the Grouped Parish will be read out on Sunday 11 September at 3.30 pm in Bernards’ Place. (Comrades Hall if raining) Please do come along, everyone welcome.

Statement from Chair of BGPC on the Death of HM Queen Elizabeth II



It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. The Parish Council, together with all our residents, wish to express our thoughts and condolences.

Books of condolences will be made available at Broadwindsor, Blackdown, Drimpton and Seaborough Churches. Further details can be found at:


An online Book of Condolence for those who wish to leave a message is available on the Royal website: 


Our sincere condolences go to members of the Royal Family at this difficult time.

Rowland Hibbard, Chair of the Parish Council

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