Latest Bus Service News

Dorset County Council has worked with First Wessex, Yeovil College and local communities to ensure a continued bus service between Bridport and Yeovil. Two new services are being introduced to replace the 40 Service, which the County Council and subsequently First Wessex have run since the withdrawal of the route by Damory Coaches in July.

Loss of 40 Bus Service – Where Do You Need to Go?

The sudden loss of the 40 Bus Service for Broadwindsor has caused much anger and frustration within the community. The Parish Council is in dialogue with the County Council to support the development of alternative transport options.  As part of this work, the Parish Council would like to know what the community needs – where people need to get to and when and as such has produced a short questionnaire. It is really important to have your feedback so that we can work on your behalf and find a sustainable solution.


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