The agenda for the BGPC Meeting on 9 December is now online.
BGPC Draft Minutes 11 November Now Online
You can now download the draft Minutes from the BGPC Meeting held on 11 November.
BGPC Minutes 14 October Now Online
You can now download the approved Minutes from the BGPC Meeting held on 14 October.
BGPC Agenda 11 November Now Online
The agenda for the BGPC Meeting on 11 November is now online.
BGPC Draft Minutes 14 October Now Online
You can now download the draft Minutes from the BGPC Meeting held on 14 October.
BGPC Minutes 9 September Now Online
You can now download the approved Minutes from the BGPC Meeting held on 9 September.
BGPC Agenda 14 October Now Online
The agenda for the BGPC Meeting on 14 October is now online.
Jurassic Coast Social Prescribing Team – 11 October, Drimpton Village Hall
On Friday 11 October, the Jurassic Coast Social Prescribing team will be at Drimpton Village Hall between 9.00 am and 11.00 am to talk about any non-clinical wellbeing issues you may be experiencing. At its most basic, social prescribing offers the kind of help that doesn’t come in a tube or bottle (non medical). Instead, a ‘social prescribing link worker’ will work with you to provide support, help and information that will enable you to access services or activities that may improve your health, wellbeing and overall enjoyment in life.
Carer Support
Housing related queries
Welfare benefits & debt advice
Help with daily living tasks
Making lifestyle changes
Combating isolation/loneliness
Living with anxiety/depression
Bereavement support
Frequent attendance GP or A&E
Come along for a coffee and a chat with the team, everyone welcome.
Help Shape Our Climate & Ecological Emergency Plan

BGPC Draft Minutes 9 September Now Online
You can now download the draft Minutes from the BGPC Meeting held on 9 September.