Application to Modify the Definitive Map and Statement of Rights of Way

Dorset Council has received an application to modify the definitive map and statement of rights of way. The effect of the application, if successful, will be to alter Dorset Council’s record of public rights of way by adding a Byway Open to All Traffic along Lewesdon Hill Lane from the eastern end of Bridleway W26/16, eastwards to the public road at Stoke Knapp in Stoke Abbott Parish.

The applicant has based the claim entirely on historic documentary evidence but in due course user evidence will also be considered. Although the investigation into this application has not yet begun parishioners can submit any relevant evidence that can be included in the Council’s report, after investigation by officers. Please contact

Below is the website link for the DMMO Register. Please click on the link where you can find more details about the application using the reference T650.…/definit…/register

Vacancy – Comrades Hall Booking Secretary

Comrades Hall is looking for a Booking Secretary, this involves keeping a diary of bookings, liaising with hirers, collecting payments and ensuring that the cleaner is aware of when cleaning is required. The Secretary will need to be computer literate and have their own PC and provide a monthly report to the Treasurer. There is monthly payment for this role. If you are interested in this role or would like further information please contact David Leader, Chairperson of Comrades Hall Management Committee on 07867 608652.

Call for Tender

The Parish Council is now inviting tenders to be submitted from competent persons for works to be carried out to restore fingerpost signs within the Grouped Parish area.

These signs are very much part of our cultural heritage, and the Council would like to see them remain. Dorset Council will no longer fund the restoration of fingerpost signs, costs must now be met by the Parish.

If you would like to submit a tender for this work, in the first instance please contact the Clerk to the Council to express your interest by 20 August 2021. This invitation to tender is subject to the Council’s Financial Regulations 2015.


T: 01308 488440


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