Application for a Definitive Map Modification Order Broadwindsor

Dorset Council has received an application for a Definitive Map Modification Order for the Broadwindsor Parish. The effect of the application, if successful, will be to alter Dorset Council’s record of public rights of way by adding a Byway Open to All Traffic along Common Water Lane from the end of the public road in Broadwindsor near Providence Farm to the public road east of the tunnel in the Beaminster Parish. The investigation into this application has not yet begun but in the meantime parishioners if they so wish, can submit any relevant evidence which will be included in the Council’s report. Evidence can be submitted to the Clerk or sent directly to Dorset Council.

May be an image of map and text that says "346000 N21/87 W23/2 BROADWINDSOR PARISH S Providence Far Common Water ane Ham BEAMINSTER A3066 PARISH HamCoppe Tungel Road 23/3 W21/78 B3163 KEY: Currently recorded footpath THIS MAP 345000 Currently recorded bridleway NOT DEFINITIVE AND HAS NO LEGAL STATUS WILDLIFE & COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981 Definitive Map Modification Order Application T629 Add Byway Open Traffic along Common Water Lane Broadwindsor and Beaminster Parishes Application route 346000 Parish boundary T629/21/1 Scale 1:12000 Drawn :AB CentX 102856 Dorset Council"

BGPC Agenda 12 July Now Online

The agenda for the Informal BGPC Meeting on 12 July is now online.

Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend.

This is an online meeting and can be accessed at:

Meeting ID: 897 5277 5290

This meeting is an informal meeting of the Council and any opinions expressed by the Council will seek approval through the Scheme of Delegation after the meeting.

BGPC Agenda 21 June Now Online

The agenda for the BGPC Meeting on 21 June is now online. The meeting will be held at Drimpton Village Hall. Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend. Social distancing restrictions will be in place and there will be a maximum capacity of 40 people allowed.

  • Anyone displaying symptoms, who has tested positive or returned from abroad in the last 14 days SHOULD NOT ATTEND.
  • If possible, a Lateral Flow Test should be carried out before the meeting.
  • Unless you are exempt, please remember to bring a mask.
  • Hand sanitiser will be provided for you to use on entering the building and leaving the building.
  • A QR code will also be available on entrance to the Hall – please have your phone ready if you wish to use it in addition to a sign-in sheet.
  • Papers will not be presented at the meeting. Please remove all personal items from the Hall at the end of the meeting.
  • Windows in the Hall will be open at all times to allow for ventilation.
  • Seating will be arranged at the venue to accommodate Councillors and the public – ensuring at least a 2 metre distance.

Community Pub?

With the departure of Spike and Vikki from the White Lion the Parish Council has been approached by Palmers Brewery to see if the Community is interested in opening a Community Pub. The issue is on the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting on the 21 June. In the meantime a small group of residents, including Parish Councillors, are undertaking some initial investigative work to assess the feasibility of such a project. At the appropriate time a public meeting will be held to report the findings and canvas the views of residents.

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