40 Bus Service Update

Broadwindsor Group Parish Council recently became aware that the 40 Bus was due to be re-timetabled starting on 29 October. The new timetable will mean that there will be no service in the early morning and evening, meaning students cannot get to Yeovil College for the start of their day or back home at the end of the day. This affects at least six students from Broadwindsor, a similar number from Beaminster and many more from Bridport and Crewkerne. The Parish Council has been working tirelessly with Councillor Rebecca Knox, Yeovil College, Beaminster Town Council, Dorset County Council, the Rt Hon Oliver Letwin and parishioners to try and resolve this very important issue.  We will of course keep you updated, but if you have any questions please do contact Councillor David Leader, dleader@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk

Vacancy for Broadwindsor Ward

There is currently a vacant position on the Council for the Broadwindsor Ward. Parish Councillors have the opportunity to make a real difference to their community and it can be both a rewarding and interesting experience. The Council meets every month and Councillors should be accessible to the community, represent the interests of their ward, deal with parishioner enquiries, representations and complaints and participate constructively in the government of the Parish. The deadline for expressions of interest, which should comprise a covering letter and cv, sent to the Clerk, is 6 November 2018. 

Notice of Casual Vacancy

Joint Local Plan Review

The Local Plan sets out a long term strategy to meet future development needs. It covers important issues like where housing could be built.
The Local Plan is being reviewed and your comments are invited. A public consultation will run from 13 August to 8 October across West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland. To view the Preferred Options for the Local Plan Review and have your say, visit
www.dorsetforyou.com/local-plan-review from 13 August 2018.

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