
The Council’s Financial Regulations were formally adopted in 2015 and set out a system of internal control which allows for effective and robust financial management. The Clerk is the Responsible Financial Officer for the Council. The Council’s financial accounts are audited bi-annually by an Internal Auditor appointed by the Parish Council and annually by an External Auditor appointed by the Government.

Annual budgets are discussed and approved at a Council Meeting in December for the following financial year. 

For the financial year 2023/2024 the Precept is £31,708.05.

Financial Regulations 2015

Financial Information 2023/2024

Notice of Public Rights

Conflict of Interest with BDO LLP Form

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Annual Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Financial Information 2022/2023

Notice of Public Rights

Conflict of Interest with BDO LLP Form

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Annual Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Expenditure Over £100.00

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Financial Information 2021/2022

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Annual Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Expenditure Over £100.00

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Financial Information 2020/2021

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Annual Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Expenditure Over £100.00

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Financial Information 2019/2020

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Annual Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Expenditure Over £100.00

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Notice of Conclusion of Audit Supplementary Email

Financial Information 2018/2019

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Annual Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Expenditure Over £100.00

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Financial Information 2017/2018

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Annual Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Expenditure Over £100.00

Interim External Auditor Report and Certificate

Final External Auditor Report and Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Financial Information 2016/2017

Annual Governance Statement

Internal Audit Report

End of Year Accounts

Expenditure Over £100.00

Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights

Accounting Statements

External Auditor Certificate and Report

Notice of Conclusion of Audit


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