Your Council Needs You

There are now two vacant positions on the Council for the Broadwindsor Ward. Parish Councillors have the opportunity to make a real difference to their community and it can be both a rewarding and interesting experience. The Council meets every month and Councillors should be accessible to the community, represent the interests of their ward, deal with parishioner enquiries, representations and complaints and participate constructively in the government of the Parish. The deadline for expressions of interest, which should comprise a covering letter and cv, sent to the Clerk, is 13 July.

View the official notice.

New Website for the Council

Broadwindsor Group Parish Council is really pleased to announce the launch of its new website. Designed and built by Michelle Abadie, the site supports the Council’s commitment for improved engagement and a wider dialogue with the community. Users will be able to view and download the agenda and minutes of Council Meetings, find contact details for all Councillors, have access to useful resources and find out the latest news and events from across the grouped Parish area. The website is not yet fully populated with content, this will be completed over the coming months. We very much hope that you enjoy your visit and please do feedback your comments, we want to hear from you.

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