Free Online Platform for Community and Voluntary Sector Groups

Dorset County Council have purchased the RunAClub platform and will offer a free licence to community groups who would benefit from access to the system. RunAClub is an online management platform allowing you to run your club in the cloud. It provides the essential tools, guidance and support you need to set up and manage your own club or network of clubs – any activity, any age, any community. The free licence will run until 30 April 2017 and it might be that DCC fund it fully for a further two years, but this cannot be guaranteed at the moment. If you are interested in finding out more about RunAClub, a workshop is being held on Wednesday 14 September 2016 to give you a chance to speak to RunAClub staff and organisations currently using RunAClub. Please contact Charlie Naerger by Friday 19 August 2016, leaving your contact details, name of organisation you are seeking a licence for, type of organisations (eg charity, unregistered voluntary org etc,), annual financial income of the organisation and type of activity the organisation delivers.

Keyboard Shortcuts

g then h → home Go to front page
g then l → login Go to login page
g then d → dashboard Go to admin dashboard
g then c → comment Go to comment edit page
g then t → themes Go to themes page
g then p → plugins Go to plugins page
g then u → users Go to users page
g then s → settings Go to settings page
? → help Toggle the help area
/ → search Focus the search box
d → debug Toggle the debug bar
r → reload Reload the current page
e → edit Edit current post
p then a → post all All post listing
p then n → post new Create new post
Shift + p then a → page all All page listing
Shift + p then n → page new Create new page
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